Growing closer to God and others
Shady Grove loves kids! SGKids dig into the Word in a large group setting through skits, games, exciting lessons, and fun worship music to grow in their knowledge and love of Christ.
The mission of The Station is to make sure our students are Seen, Loved, and Empowered. Check out our NextGen page for more info!
The Station Student Ministries
Our young adults love to do life together, in community! This group is for anyone graduated from high school up to about 30. They get together on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM in the Student Center.
The Grove Young Adults
MomCo, or "The Mom Community," is a group designed to help moms support each other! Click the button below for more info or contact Dawn Hooker at
Shady Grove Wesleyan Preschool is a part-day preschool offering classes for ages 14 months- 5 years, offering individualized attention for your child with caring, quality teachers. Check out the preschool website for more info!
SGW Preschool
DivorceCare is a group specifically to help those dealing with divorce or separation. Don't go through it alone! Join with others who understand the issues you are facing. You can find out more at
Our Men's Ministry serves the church in a variety of ways, including a Handyman ministry. They also have men-only Bible studies that meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30. All men are welcome!
Men's Ministry
The Shady Ladies sponsor lots of fun and interesting events for the women of Shady Grove, not to mention host a Bible study on Wednesday nights at 6:45 PM.
Shady Ladies Women's Ministry
The senior saints of Shady Grove love spending time together, supporting each other, and most of all, eating! This lively group meets monthly for meals, takes trips together, and has a weekly Bible study on Wednesday mornings at 10:30.
Young @ Heart
They do just as their name suggests - encourage! This group sends cards and words of encouragement to people in the church who may be going through a difficult time. This ministry is a great way to support one another!